About LeClare

The future is built on passion. As educators, we are responsible for nurturing that passion, and to equip children with the tools they will need to carve out their future—with their talents, their drive, their imagination.


We are committed to the pursuit of excellence and being leaders in educational services through regular professional development for educators and staff, to ensure that we are at the forefront of educational practices. In partnership with families and the community, it is our intent that your children discover their innate creativity and recognise their individual talents and potential.


Our mission is to provide an inspired programme that motivates thinkers and encourages creativity, providing each child with a voice and the best possible start to their future. It is our aim to nurture confident and resilient learners in an environment where parents and educators are partners in their children’s learning through a holistic programme with an emphasis in the inquiry approach and the arts.

LeClare Sprout Values

LeClare awards

ECDA Award

ECDA Outstanding Early Childhood Teacher Award 2019


SPARK Certification 2019-2022

HPB Award

Platinum tier, Health Promotion Board Healthy Meals in Preschool 2020